Surgery: Fat deposits are eliminated by means of ultrasonic waves and then aspirated in different areas improving the body contour.
AnesthesiaLocal or Epidural and Sedation.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Internment: Ambulatory.
Recovery: 1 week

Associated surgeriesLipectomía, Mastopexia, Aumento mamario, Lipoinyección en gluteos


The surgery contemplates a superficial or deep "liposelectivity" around the muscles of the area that one wishes to treat. The procedure is safe and delicate, allowing to reach very specific areas of the body.


The recovery is quite fast and in most cases it will only be an ambulatory operation. Depending on the eating habits and physical activity of the patients, the results can be seen for many years.

The key benefits of VASERlipo ™:

  • Results of individual procedures with fast recovery times.
  • Improves body contour over traditional liposuction.
  • Easy removal of large amounts of stored fat.
  • Softens the skin, even in delicate areas such as the arms and neck.
  • It sharpens and accentuates the appearance of the muscles.

Vaser Liposculpture

Liposculpture Vaser is an effective technique in abdomen, back, thighs, hips, knees, arms, neck and chin.

It has a delicate system that, by means of ultrasound, separates the tissues of fat from the tissues that must be left in their original place like nerves, arteries and connective tissues. That is, avoid touching healthy tissues while attacking and dissolving less structured fat cells.


During the procedure, the area to be treated is filled with a saline solution that helps numb the place and shrinks the arteries. This solution makes the area wet and full, causing the fat cells to dissolve easily with the ultrasound system. Dissolved cells are gently removed by suction and massage.


The incisions, which are small, heal quickly.

COOL LIFTING What is it?

TreatmentApplication of COOL LIFTING
Anesthesia: Does not apply.
Duration: 5 minutes
Recovery: Immediate
FunctionInstant Lifting
Associated TreatmentsBotox, Medical Peeling, Photorejuvenation, PRP.

The concept

The Coolifting gun triggers a powerful flow of CO2 combined with a very high concentration of nebulized assets at very high pressure and low temperature.

The application

The cold flow of CO2 and nebulized assets combined with the high pressure of application causes:

  • Paradoxical Vasomotricity: vasoconstrictions followed by vasodilations of the blood microcirculation. When suffering an intense cold stimulus, the circulating vessels contract and expand alternately to counteract it.
  • Cryophoresis and barophoresis: multiplication of the effect of the coolifting asset due to cold and pressure. The combination of the cold with the high pressure applied in the epidermis causes an intense penetration of Coolifting assets and an exponential increase of its effects.
  • Thermal shock: stimulation of the underlying tissues. The tissues are usually at a temperature of about 36 ° C. When experiencing a sudden contribution of extreme cold, it causes a deep and instantaneous dermal reaction.

The session

Simple, effective, non-invasive and fast treatment: 5 minutes that open a new future for rejuvenation. The symbiosis between a high concentration of antiaging assets and an efficient activation of the epidermis allows its penetration as never before had been achieved.

Tratamiento: Hilos de sustentacion o hilos tensores efecto lifting
Anestesia: Local.
Duración: 10 minutos.
Recuperación: Inmediata.
Función: Lift o elevacion de mejillas, perfil mandibular, surcos nasogenianos, líneas de marioneta, arrugas periorbiculares, arrugas perioculares, elevación de la cola de la ceja., cuello, cara interna de brazos y muslos.
Tratamientos Asociados: Botox, Plasma Rico en Plaquetas,Rellenos Faciales, Mesoterapia. -- 

Esta técnica de Rejuvenecimiento Facial es de las mas novedosas y eficaces para la prevención y el tratamiento de la flacidez gravitacional de forma sencilla y segura, a través de la inserción de finos hilos de sutura Reabsorbible de un material llamado Polidioxanona, transportados por agujas especiales finas, sin incisiones, sin anclajes, que logran un efecto de lifting natural y discreto autoinducido, es decir, fabricado por nuestro propio organismo.

Hilos Tensores Reabsorbibles 
Este novedoso y exclusivo tratamiento para evitar que la flacidez arruine tu rostro, el "Lifting Japonés" No Quirúrgico con Hilos Mágicos, se realiza insertando en la piel los hilos japoneses JBP V Litf, sin incisiones, sin anclajes. Es un tratamiento UNISEX que mejora el rostro, cuello y zonas corporales a tratar sin aumentar su volumen ni cambiar su forma.

Los Hilos de Polidioxanona (PDO) mejoran la calidad y elasticidad de la piel, definen contornos y tienen un moderado y natural efecto lifting sin cirugía inmediato, con una mejoría real al mes del tratamiento y consolidada a los 3 meses.
 Se pueden implantar en cara, cuello, brazos, muslos y abdomen.
Los hilos de PDO son reabsorbibles, no alergénicos ni inmunopáticos, un material tan seguro que es utilizado en cirugías cardíacas.
El efecto lifting es biológico ya que el hilo insertado en la piel a través de una aguja provoca una reacción de autofabricación de colágeno tipo I y tipo III alrededor del hilo implantado, por lo que al reabsorberse el Hilo Mágico aún perdura el efecto de lifting.


  •  Método sencillo, simple, cómodo y seguro. 
  • Anestesia tópica y frió local para minimizar las molestias de los pinchacitos al introducir las agujas que contienen los hilos. 
  • No deja marcas ni cicatrices. 
  • Simples cuidados posteriores al tratamiento 
  • Efectos secundarios no significativos como: eritema, edema, hematoma, que desaparecen espontáneamente y en poco tiempo. 
  • Tratamiento natural, no agresivo, que utiliza los propios recursos de la piel. 
  • Sin cortes ni suturas, sin conos ni espiculas. 
  • Alto grado de satisfacción 

Pasos del Tratamiento: 
Valoración por el médico estético, realización de Historial Medico, con antecedentes de materiales de relleno previos y tratamientos estéticos previos entre otras cosas, presupuesto y discusión de la técnica. Una vez aceptado, firma del Consentimiento Informado.

Evitar café, tabaco y estimulantes en general al menos 2 días antes del tratamiento. Si tiene Herpes labial, tomar terapia antiviral (Aciclovir) 3 días antes del tratamiento, que sera indicado el día de la valoración.

Aplicar en casa 1 hora antes del tratamiento crema anestésica tópica tipo EMLA, que sera reforzada en la consulta media hora antes de iniciar el procedimiento.

Previa anestesia tópica y asepsia, se realiza mesoterapia en la zona que será tratada.
Inserción de los hilos en la zona elegida y frió local.

Tratamiento Posterior 
Aunque es individualizado, en general el paciente debe aplicarse frió local de manera intermitente en la zona tratada al menos las primeras horas. 
Evitar el maquillaje en la zona de inserción de los hilos.
Evitar actividades físicas y exposición a temperaturas elevadas, saunas, piscinas, etc.
Evitar masaje facial, depilaciones, y afeitado en la zona de inserción del hilo durante el primer mes. 
El resto de recomendaciones sera para cada paciente en particular.
Duración del Efecto: Entre 12 a 18 meses. Pueden retocarse en cualquier momento.


  • Personas entre 35 a 65 años, que inicien los primeros signos de flacidez facial, o bien, cuando ya sea evidente, tanto para tratamiento preventivo como tratamiento reparador del descolgamiento gravitacional. 
  • Lifting de cara, cuello y zonas corporales. 
  • Mejora de zonas localizadas como: Lift o elevacion de mejillas, perfil mandibular, surcos nasogenianos, líneas de marioneta, arrugas periorbiculares, arrugas perioculares, elevación de la cola de la ceja., cuello, cara interna de brazos y muslos. 
  • Pacientes con ptosis dermica. 
  • Pacientes mayores que no deseen cirugia (nunca substituye al lifting quirúrgico). 

Este tratamiento es compatible con cualquier otra técnica de Medicina Estética.


Surgery: Small fat deposits are aspirated and the pectoral and lumbar abdominal muscles are marked.
Anesthesia: Local or Epidural and Sedation.
Internment: Ambulatory.
Recovery: 1 week.
Associated Surgeries: Lipectomy, mastopexy, breast augmentation, gluteal Lipoinjection.

Like all medical procedures, new knowledge, evolution and application of new technology gives rise to new techniques or the definition of existing techniques to meet new needs or improve results.
"I'm an athlete, and going to the gym is not only a habit but my way of life, but I still can not define that athletic body that I so desire ..."

High definition or HD leads to liposuction to a new level of evolution. It is simply defined as a form of liposculpture that removes excess fat between the abdominal muscles, creating clefts that resemble those seen in a six-pack or laundry stomach. The abdomen with more definition, may seem stronger, firmer and more muscular.

What differentiates this procedure from others associated with body contouring?

Traditional liposuction of the abdominal area, eliminates fatty accumulations, but does not imply the same level of detail as the definition of the abdomen. Abdominoplasty or lipectomy, removes excess fat and skin and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall, but is also less effective than the abdominal definition to detail abdominal sculpture.

However HD or HD lipo can be associated with these body contouring procedures. It is so that HD lipo can be the final step in a dramatic transformation that begins with massive weight loss or other cosmetic surgeries, or it may be the only procedure necessary to do what all abs, Pilates and exercise can not do.
I am not overweight, I exercise regularly and I have a balanced diet. However I did not frame my abdomen.

Is it for me the high definition lipo? The ideal candidate must be physically fit. The patient who usually performs exercise and looks for this athletic aspect that harmonizes with the rest of the body aspect is the best candidate.

It can be done in both sexes

The best way to evaluate whether or not you are a candidate is to schedule a consultation and define the expectations and goals of the procedure

Some important facts after surgery are the following:
You can resume your normal activities within one to three weeks. The complete results of the abdominal definition are visible from the first month but are more visible after three to six months.

The complications and risks of HD or HD lipo

Like any surgical procedure, this involves risks that are in the balance many less to the benefits. That is why precautionary rules and recommendations are made to minimize all risk.

HD or HD lipo is a surgical procedure and is governed by the laws of medicine. The patient undergoes the best conditions and under safety standards to minimize risks.

Is it possible to associate this procedure with other cosmetic surgery?

The answer is yes, this procedure can be associated with other body contouring procedures. Perhaps the most frequent in women is: breast augmentation, gluteal lipoinjection (gluteal augmentation). In men: Increase of pectoral with fat and marking of deltoids or shoulders and of arm.

Finally, it is important to point out that, like any cosmetic surgery procedure, the patient's commitment to maintenance of the results is important, since if he does not perform maintenance and diet, the results will not be adequate.

Enzymatic lipo

Treatment: Enzymatic lipo
Anesthesia: Does not apply.
Duration:10 minutes.
Recovery: Immediate.
Function: Reduces cellulite, Reaffirms body and facial skin, reduces size and stretch marks.
Associated Treatments: Radiofrequency, Cavitation, Platelet Rich Plasma, Carboxytherapy, Mesotherapy. 

Enzymatic Mini Lipo is a real boom in body and facial treatments that fascinates men and women for their safety and so quick and permanent results.
The results are so incredible that:
1 session = 5 (any other treatment)

It is resulting in a treatment at very low cost because of its quality and results.

Bio-technology based enzymes:
  • Disrupts and removes localized fat
  • Shapes and refines the figure
  • Eliminates adipose and fibrous cellulite
  • Reaffirms tissues and retracts the skin to the muscle markedly improves the appearance of the skin

Ideal to combat rashers that neither the gym or diet fail to remove.

It applies to:  

  • Abdomen
  • Chaps
  • upper and lower back
  • Gordito bra
  • Among leg
  • Waist
  • Sides
  • Arms
  • Legs
Facial. It is ideal for:

  • Reduce double chin (double chin)
  • prominent cheeks
  • Greasers that gives a feeling of tiredness and older.

Chest in men. Removes fat that plumps the breasts.
Pompis lifting. Highlights the pompi to remove fat that surrounds it.
Anticelulítico. Combat orange peel, undoes nodules.

Auxiliary devices in body treatments and weight control as power and accelerates results.

It is very effective and safe!

It is a European product with high standards of control and security that give the cosmeceutical grade; which means it has aesthetic functions, scientific bases and pharmaceutical controls.
The enzyme mini lipo revolutionizes the world of aesthetic treatments because:
  • There is no risk of rejection or allergic reaction
  • Enzymes are lifolizadas (frozen and dehydrated) to keep 100% of its power and ensure its purity.
  • They contain no preservatives, colorings or synthetic substances.
  • Trigger physiological processes and accelerate safe and effective for the person against fat.
Containing enzymes are:
  • Lipase (fat dissolution)
  • Collagenase (smoothing effect that eliminates the orange peel)
  • Hyaluronidase (draining power that eliminates toxins, fluids and fat)
  • It is a cocktail of enzymes, vitamins and hyaluronic acid.
Frequency and number of sessions

  • The solution from the patient serum is prepared.
  • Ajuga enzymes with insulin micro infiltrate.
  • The power of enzymes is preserved in a 100% and is activated to prepare.
  • Once penetrated, the enzymes begin to act immediately to trigger fat burning processes, dissolution of cellulite nodules and a draining effect of fat, fluid and toxins.
  • The number of sessions is assessed individually depending on the amount of fat and patient expectations.
  • Ensure patients feel the work of enzymes and see some changes from the first application.
  • From the 4th. super session improvement is noticeable and is usually sufficient when fat is small and very localized.
  • Generally 6 to 10 sessions are excellent and provide a wonderful change.
  • When it used as an aid in anti-cellulite treatments reductivos or working according to the patient's goals and their investment capacity.
Adverse reactions
They can occur:      
  • Heat in the treated area and / or redness
  • A little discomfort as when much exercise is done and the area is sore.
  • Discomfort all that are disappearing in maximum 48 hrs.
  • Sometimes small hematomas (Moretitos) that disappear in a few days are formed.
  • Enzymatic Mini Lipo is an excellent alternative treatment to surgery, offering fast, reliable results, without the risk of anesthesia, no scars.
  • The patient is incorporated immediately to their activities: family, social and labor.


Treatment: Carboxytherapy.
Anesthesia: Does not apply.
Duration:30-45 minutes.
Recovery: Immediate.
Function: Hair Removal.
Associated Treatments: Reduces cellulite, Reaffirms body and facial skin, reduces size, reduces dark circles and splines.

That is the Carboxiterapia?

Carboxytherapy is a mesotherapy like non-surgical procedure used to infuse CO2 gas below the skin (subcutaneous or intradermal) through a 30G fine needle mesotherapy. Treatments are fast, comfortable, effective, no downtime. The CO2 gas stimulates blood flow, with consequences: improves skin elasticity, reducing cellulite, localized fat reduction and collagen production. Carboxytherapy is a good alternative to liposuction for people who are unwilling to undergo anesthesia and surgery.

Today Carboxitherapy has become a good anti-aging treatment for cellulite of all kinds, for the reduction of wrinkles, stretch marks. Carboxytherapy is a treatment approved by the FDA and Cofepris.

Carboxytherapy work in two different ways: firstly embrittled fat cells, with pressure trauma, secondly, CO2 results dilate the area where the gas is injected. This reaction to the injection of carbon dioxide provides a better oxygenation of the skin layers with the capability of increased lipolysis. The end result is fewer fat cells and skin tightening.

The CO2 treatments are:

Cellulite Reduction

Localized fat and weight reduction with or without liposuction.

Liposuction complementary solution to clear pending irregularities.


Stretch marks

Acne scars and skin laxity (arms, chest, ...)

The reduction of Wrinkles

How many sessions are needed?

The number of sessions is different and are related to the type of treatment performed. Localized fat reduction normally requires 8 to 10 sessions for optimal results. The sessions must be renewed every 1 to 2 weeks. Several sessions per year are necessary to maintain results.
To cellulite and skin, 6 to 10 sessions are also necessary for good results. Treatments for stretch marks and wrinkles require 4 to 6 sessions are repeated each month.

What are the side effects?

Side effects are minimal and resolved very quickly, and include mild pain at the site of the injection, a crisp sensation of the skin, and possible bruising of the tissues, leaving no lasting damage.

What are some of the clinical uses of Carboxiterapia?

Carboxiterapia is used for the treatment of dark circles under the eyes, stretch marks, cellulite reduction, and non-surgical fat sculpting on the face and body.

Which areas of the body can be treated with Carboxiterapia?

Carboxiterapia can be used to treat the eyelids, face, neck, arms, stomach, buttocks and legs.

What are the other benefits of carboxiterapia

In addition to increasing the flow of oxygenated blood to the injected region, Carboxiterapia also increases the formation of collagen in the skin, giving it a more youthful appearance.

As Carboxiterapia works for dark circles under your eyes?

One of the main causes of dark circles under the eyes is common vascular by. The capillary network of the lower eyelids can become congested in a variety of reasons. Typically, drain tears from the eyelids, nose, but if there is any obstruction due to nasal congestion chronic seasonal allergies, anterior nasal fracture, or a deviated septum, drainage does not work well, and the flow of blood to lower eyelids becomes slow, resulting in the marshy blueness informally known as allergic shiners. The lack of proper to the lower eyelid skin oxygenation allows the bluish tone to show through the thin skin of the eyelids. Carboxytherapy works to improve the capillary network of the lower eyelids, as well as to increase the dermal layer of collagen in the skin of the lower eyelid. By injecting a small amount of carbon dioxide gas in the affected areas, it increases blood flow and improves the capillary networks are formed for the benefit of the longest duration circulation. The blue cast is replaced with healthy pink tone. Once a series of treatments, the skin has a more luminous look that lasts about six months.

As Carboxiterapia works for stretch marks?

Stretch marks (striae of distention) occur when skin is stretched to the point where the dermal collagen breaks. Carboxiterapia stimulates the formation of new collagen and subsequently thickens the skin to improve the appearance of stretch marks by rebuilding the collagen matrix.

As Carboxiterapia treatment administered?

There are several machines that are used to manage the gas carbon dioxide, but the basic components are the same. There is a gas tank carbon dioxide that is connected by plastic tubing to a flow regulator. The flow regulator decreases gas velocity according to the physician. The gas exits the flow regulator into the sterile tube having a filter connected to the output to remove any traces of impurities before the gas runs through a very small needle attached to the opposite side of the filter. The pure gas is now ready to be injected under the skin through a small needle.

How many treatments will I need?

Carboxiterapia average treatment takes about fifteen to thirty minutes to complete.

There are side effects associated with Carboxitherapy?

The only real side effect of Carboxiterapia is the potential of a hematoma at the injection site. Usually, the eyelids can be treated without leaving marks, so it is a process downtime truth. Bruises are very common in the treatment of arms and legs, so Carboxiterapia can not be a good idea if you plan to wear a bikini the following week, during the holidays.

How long does a typical treatment session?

Carboxiterapia average treatment takes about fifteen to thirty minutes to complete.
Treatment: Photorejuvenation with IPL E-light
Anesthesia: Not applicable
Duration; 30 minutes
Recovery: Immediate
Function: Skin rejuvenation and wrinkles, spots Decreased
Associated treatments: cavitation, radiofrequency

New generation of health devices equipped with advanced technologies (e-light), which combines intense pulsed light with radio frequency for better treatment of wrinkles and skin rejuvenation.

Several filters are used to select the wavelength of the light emitted by the chromophore where desired action. The warming induced chromophores leads to its transformation or destruction, this is called selective photothermolysis.


Hair: to eliminate rosacea, erythrose, telangiectasia.

Acne: This is the most effective treatment today. It can be associated with medical Peeling.

Skin rejuvenation and wrinkles: tightens pores, lifting effect, skin tightening (facial contours), the non-traumatic skin rejuvenation. It stimulates dermal fibroblasts to produce collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin.

Stains (red and brown) and hyperpigmentation, solar lentigo, melasma, cloth.

The machine is equipped with a water cooling system and air, ensuring a perfect fit and virtually painless treatment.


How does IPL permanent hair reduction work?

The newest generation of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) systems, produces a precise beam of light energy, which safely transmits through the skin, selectively targeting pigment in hair the follicles. When this light is absorbed by the pigment in the follicle of the hair, it coverts to heat, which in turn causes thermal damage to the follicle and permanently destroys the hair. The heat also disables the cells responsible for new hair growth.

What are the benefits of IPL?

Patient Comfort / Patient Acceptance 

 Waxing, electrolysis, and even shaving can be cumbersome treatments, which lead to discomfort and skin irritation. Electrolysis and waxing in particular can be quite painful and patient acceptance for repeat procedures can be limited by this experience. IPL treatments are significantly more comfortable with no skin irritation. The IPL supports active cooling in the hand-pieces, which keeps the surface of the skin comfortable throughout the procedures.

PERMANENT Hair Reduction 

Based on the absorption of specific wavelengths of light energy which are transformed into heat below the surface of the skin, Intense Pulsed Light compromises the body’s ability to re-grow hair in the treated area. Permanent and long-lasting results!

In a simple phrase: 'FAST AND EASY'. Preparation for the IPL treatment is minimal, as body hair does not have to be grown out prior to the treatment. The hand-piece utilized for the treatment covers larger body areas than alternative methods. Thus minimizing the time of the treatment, and the active cooling integrated within the hand-piece provides for additional comfort.

Fast and Convenient Treatments 

The large surface area covered by the specialized IPL hand-pieces enables fast and effective treatments. With no post-treatment discomfort, it’s easy to receive treatments at lunch and then return to the office that afternoon. A full set of legs could be treated in less than 1 hour, and treatments are effective without the requirement to have hair grow out before the treatment, meaning you can shave right up until your IPL session.

What are the actual treatments like?
 Who is a candidate for treatment?

The sensation is often referred to as a gentle 'snap' with minimal to no sensation subsequent to the treatment. In some cases, dependent on the procedure, skin type, and the treatment area, clients experience some mild redness and tenderness in the area, which does not interfere with normal activities and usually subsides within a day.

What is the difference between Laser Hair Removal and IPL?

Fundamentally they have a similar mechanism of action (photo-thermal), however two significant benefits of IPL are: more speed and less sensation. Larger hand-pieces means IPL technology can perform procedures up to ten times faster than traditional lasers and with active cooling in the hand-pieces, the sensation of IPL is far less intense.

Hair grows in three cycles called Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen. IPL and laser technology most effectively interacts with hair in the Anagen (or active growth) phase when the hair is highest in pigment. Hence multiple treatments are required to accomplish permanent hair reduction. On average approximately 20% reduction will be noticed in the initial treatment and as much as 95% reduction can be realized in four to six treatments. Remember after the treatments the reduction will be permanent!

Men, women and children ... basically anyone can be treated with an IPL. Treatments are customized according to your skin type, hair colour and treatment area. Treatments are effective on all skin types and hair colours. Any body part including underarms, legs, back, face, neck, bikini ... etc can be treated. Special protection is required when working closely around the eyes.

How many treatments will I require?
What happens immediately after a treatment?

IPL works in a minimally invasive manner to thermally destroy the hair. This is what makes the procedure so fast and comfortable. Two or three days after the treatment, stubble may reappear. This is NOT new hair growth, but simply the body shedding the thermally damaged hair; including the bulb.

When this hair is completely shed, it's time for your next treatment (typically four to six weeks). As IPL penetrates through the skin right to the bulb of the hair, it's still OK to shave between treatments if you like, but DON’T tweeze or wax, as that will remove the target.

Are there any factors that might affect treatment?

Subsequent to treatments you may experience some redness and/or warmth at the treatment site, which is normal and can be cooled with cold wet compresses if desired. It is recommended to avoid vigorous exercise, perfumed deodorants, heavily chlorinated pools and / or hot whirlpool baths, saunas, etc. for 12 – 24 hours subsequent to treatments.

Certain factors may make your body more sensitive to light, which don’t exclude clients from treatments but must be disclosed during the consultation. Certain medications such as muscle relaxants, anti-depressants, anti-cancer drugs, acne medications and topical creams containing Retin-A, will have an effect on treatment parameters. Test patches prior to treatment ensure safe and effective results for any client situation.

Are there any side effects of treatment or special post treatment instructions?

For best results, active tanning and use of artificial tanning products should be discontinued prior to and during treatments. After treatment, use Sunblock (SPF25+) on the treatment area. You can shave during treatments, but do not wax or tweeze the hair, as this will remove the target (the bulb).

Can I remove hair between treatments?

This is an excellent question and the answer is the same as it is for electrolysis. You definitely cannot tweeze or wax. If you tweeze or wax between treatments, you physically remove the target hence reduce the Intense Pulsed Light’s ability to destroy it (you can’t destroy what isn’t there).

You can however shave between treatments as the objective is to interact with the matrix or bulb and shaft of the hair, which is untouched by shaving. Ideally large body areas should be shaved prior to coming to the clinic for an IPL treatment to cut down on the time of treatment, as surface hair must be removed prior to the treatment.

Why is my hair still growing?

Avoid sun tanning four weeks prior to / and between treatments and allow your tan to fade so that skin pigment is 'normal' prior to the first treatment.

This is a common comment for new users of intense pulsed light systems. Subsequent to administering a pulsed light treatment, the body requires time to shed the hair which had been thermally destroyed. It may take eight to ten days on some people and perhaps two to three weeks on others to fully shed the thermally damaged hair.

Even though it appears as though hair continues to grow, it is actually the body shedding the hair entirely, and over time the treated hair will grow out of the skin. This should not be mistaken for continued hair growth.

How should the treatment area look immediately after treatment?

Acceptable treatment responses include:

Darkening of pigmented lesions may occur within a few minutes and/or up to a few hours subsequent to treatments. Clinically effective treatments will cause pigmented lesions to darken prior to drying out and sloughing off which may take several days to two weeks.
Immediate disappearance of small facial Telangiectasia – small vessels commonly referred to as 'spider veins' typically found on the side of the nose or upper cheek area may disappear immediately subsequent to the treatment. This will depend largely on the size (diameter) and depth of the vessel.

What special instructions are there for prior to and after treatments?

Prior to treatment:

Remove all make-up and creams from the treatment site.

Ideally pre-shave the treatment area for hair removal.

Discontinue sun bed use and 'fake tanning' products at least four (4) weeks prior to treatment.

Do not wax or tweeze treatment site prior to hair removal treatment (shaving OK)

After Treatment(s):

Limit your sun exposure as much as possible subsequent to treatment.

Use a high SPF factor sunscreen when exposed to the sun between / and after treatments.

Can pulsed light be used to treat stretch marks?

Cool any areas which remain warm after treatment with cooling aloe vera gels, cold compresses or frozen gel packs.

Discontinue sun bed use and 'fake tanning' products.

Do not wax or tweeze treatment site between hair removal treatments.

Avoid extremely hot baths, whirlpools, saunas, or heavily chlorinated swimming pools for 12 – 24 hours subsequent to treatments.

Avoid strong deodorants subsequent to hair reduction treatment of the underarms.

Avoid vigorous exercise for 12 – 24 hours subsequent to treatments.

What are the common contra-indications associated with pulsed light treatments? ... Who should not be treated? Who should be treated with caution?

Diabetics - Type I and Type II. Diabetics in general have a compromised immune system therefore are at greater risk of delayed healing and infection in the case of an adverse effect hence are not the ideal candidates fore treatment however Type I diabetics are routinely treated with pulsed light in a safe and effective manner.

Pregnancy: Those who are pregnant are not completely contra-indicated, but must be advised they are not the ideal candidates for treatment because of the hormonal and pigmentary changes that can occur during pregnancy.

Suntanned Skin:  Do not treat sun-tanned skin as the increased level of melanin in the skin can cause unpredictable results including long term pigmentation changes.

How long should I stay out of the sun prior to and after IPL treatments?

It is recommended for you to be out of the sun 3 weeks prior to treatment or for the appropriate timeframe for their skin to return to their natural colour. It is also recommended that you do not tan or use tanning products in the timeframe between a prescribed series of pulsed light treatments as overactive melanin could cause a pigmentation effect.

Yes, the selective band of wavelengths emitted from the IPL, target pigment to destroy the P-Acne bacteria, without the requirement of any topical chemical agents. The light also stimulates collagen production to help resolve the acne scarring.

Yes. Stretch marks can be treated with intense pulsed light. The protocol would be similar to that used to perform a photo-rejuvenation procedure considering the skin type of the patient. As a general rule, lower body areas (i.e. – the abdomen) typically require less energy to accomplish similar treatment objectives as higher body areas (i.e. – the face).

Can you treat the spider veins on my leg?

Yes. These treatments are very effective. As opposed to the side of the nose or upper cheek where vessels may disappear instantly or within a few days, the deeper, thicker vessels (spider veins) often found on the lower legs will take longer (up to ten weeks in some cases) to resolve and typically darken and constrict subsequent to treatment. The pulsed light systems are NOT designed to treat large leg veins and typically will NOT resolve veins effectively which are greater that 2mm in diameter at greater than 2mm depths.

Can IPL help clear up my active acne and acne scarring?

Yes, the selective band of wavelengths emitted from the IPL, target pigment to destroy the P-Acne bacteria, without the requirement of any topical chemical agents. The light also stimulates collagen production to help resolve the acne scarring.